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VPlatform API Integration


The VPlatform API provides a mechanism for client to use the VCode® and VPlatform functionality to create and manage VCodes and integrate with their own systems. The API allows Actions, Packages and permissions to be managed and assigned to VCodes along with allowing the client to retrieve statistics.

To use the VPlatform API, a partner token and a valid account are required along with a version of the development VCode mobile Application which is available for both iOS and Android.

Please Note: The API links referenced here are pointing to the VSTE staging platform and should only be used for development testing purposes. For production APIs a Volume usage account is required under a commercial agreement. Please contact VSTE via [email protected] to discuss further.

Creating an account

To get started with the API, a user account is required. To create account please follow the steps below:

  • - Download the VCode app from the App Store
  • - Create an Account
  • - Email [email protected] with your account email and request an API key

One approved, you will be sent an API token e.g. TIfroc2u.Br6zi5Avls1st9zlv6ChApRlgESP which you can use to authenticate with the API.

API Authentication

To access the VPlatform API, navigate to https://api.vplatform.io/swagger

You will be shown a page containing the Swagger definition of the API and all available endpoints.

To authenticate, click the 'Authorize' button at the top right of the screen, enter your API token and click 'Authorize'. If authorization is successful, the screen will show 'Authorized' and you can use the API.

Certain endpoints require a valid user authentication token. To obtain one, select the '/auth/login' endpoint in the 'Auth' section of the Swagger definition, click 'Try it out', enter your username and password in the fields shown and click 'Execute'. If authentication is successful you will be given a token in the response body field. Copy this token, click the 'Authorize' button at the top right of the screen and end enter it into the 'Token' field then click authorize.

If both the API token and user token are both authorized, all API endpoints will be available.

VCode® Mobile Device SDK

The VCode® mobile device SDK allows you to add the ability to scan and decoding of VCodes to your own mobile application while still maintaining all the security provided by VPlatform. To gain access to the SDK, please email [email protected].

Download the app